24-hour party people

There’s one school of thought that says every one of us is actually two different kinds of person.

There’s the person who comes to the workplace and acts maturely, wisely and gets on with the job.

HR_1_small_circleAnd then there’s the one who, come five o’clock Friday, is ready to party like there’s no tomorrow.

Of course any HR professional knows this isn’t true. People don’t change when they step in and out of the workplace, they merely adapt themselves slightly to the different environments.


The One Who Peaks Too Soon

Yes, there’s always one who insists on vodka shots and from 9pm can be found hugging the white bowl. Can be a liability, needs mothered and inevitably is in a taxi home by 11pm.

Meet them in the office, however, and they seem calm and measured.

But the HR pro recognises this colleague still tends to be impulsive with decision making. What to do? In-depth appraisals and goal setting will steer them to steadier, more constructive progress.


The Crier

Overcome with emotion and in need of a good hug, their outbursts are inexplicable and spontaneous.

The morning after, during office hours, they seem much more self-assured but there are still signs closer mentoring and confidence building could help boost their game and overall job satisfaction.


The Night Crawler

This colleague has two habitats: propping up the bar or shimmying around the dance floor. Constantly in need of attention, they view parties as places to meet someone special, anyone special!

Work camouflage comes in many forms but for this – suddenly bashful – colleague, it is also a 9-5 comfort blanket.

Their career will be boosted by access to organised networking and role paying.


The Drama Lover

Loud, bolshy and in love with the sound of their own voice, this loose cannon often drags the rest of the party people into sticky situations.

On the factory floor or in the boardroom, the grandstanding may be less theatrical but often the gentle words and calming influence of HR will not go amiss.


The Lighthouse

The most sensible of the group, they are the shining beacon of hope in an otherwise stormy sea of misadventure.

Solid, dependable and an excellent manager of people, The Lighthouse is an organiser, negotiator and mediator, rallying the troops to pre-booked taxis and texting everyone to make sure they got home safely.

If they haven’t already, they really should consider a career as an HR Manager.


If you think you can be The Lighthouse, check out the latest HR vacancies on s1jobs.