Five soft skills that add up to success

Looking for a new job in accountancy? Then look no further as s1jobs has vacancies at all levels.

blogimagesaug16_Accountancy 2Recent vacancies on our site have included; Partner with a firm of tax advisors and Head of Finance for an international charity.

Of course, for opportunities like these there are no shortage of candidates, so how do you boost your chances?

By showing employers your touchy-feely circuits are as well-honed as your smarts.

Accountants today need to be more than just number crunchers with an eye for detail. They need to keep clients and colleagues onside by providing innovative solutions whilst reassuring them they’re in safe hands.


So what are the top five soft skills you need to succeed?


  1. Tune up your Listening Skills

In top roles you’ll be in charge of multi-disciplinary teams; so if you can’t round up your colleagues for a night at the local curry house then you’re off to a bad start.

Listening is the first step towards leading and landing that promoted post, so pin back those ears.

Learning from those around you and taking onboard feedback will help you and your company work smarter.


  1. Show Resilience

Every time you bounce back from a hiccup you’re strengthening your resilience muscles.

When a rejection email pings into your inbox, do you get disheartened or simply resolve to get back on s1jobs and land an even better position?

If it’s the latter then use that confidence to your advantage no matter whether you’re in the boardroom or an interview room.


  1. Exercise Self-Control

When the rest of your team bunks off early to tune into the big game, have you the willpower to stay and finish the job?

It’s good to fit in, but you’re not competing in a popularity contest – so choose to do what’s right and it will be noticed by the boss.

Showing that same can-do attitude at a job interview will set you apart from your competitors.


  1. Straight Talking

Talking in jargon to clients or colleagues is a bit like showing off. It’s flaunting your knowledge to people who have no reason to know it.

That’s why using clear and simple language is always best.


  1. Customer Focused

If you can deliver a spot-on accountancy service, you’ll enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you’ve done a great job. Anything less is short-changing yourself and your clients.

The knowledge you’ve delivered above and beyond is its own reward. Don’t forget to include this ethos on your CV and during an interview to let potential employers know you’re the best Accountant for the job.


For all the latest Accountancy vacancies visit s1jobs