What’s your specialist subject?

Call and contact centres are such a big part of our lives now that even if you don’t work in one, you’ll find yourself talking to one for everything from mortgage advice to car insurance.

blogimagesaug16_Call 1But alongside the everyday services we know about, there are hundreds of call centres you probably never knew existed.

So before you have a closer look at the hundreds of tempting job vacancies in this sector on s1jobs, here are some secret services worth knowing about that may inspire you to use your own specialist subject to help others.



You’re suited and booted for a job interview when your baby is sick over your shoulder. Who knew stains could be an emergency?

Fortunately, Persil has predicted such problems and as well as an online stain solver for every possible mark on a variety of fabrics, you can call them directly and have an expert dispense practical advice.



Despite advances in modern medicine, as many as 28 million Britons are living with long-term pain, usually as a result of back problems.

This is where Pain Concern can help. The charity has a team of experts on hand to talk to callers about their concerns.



When something’s been crunching on your camellia, you need help from the horticultural hit-squad, the Royal Horticultural Society. There’s more to this organization than the Chelsea Flower Show.

It also has a team of specialists ready to answer queries and help to identify mysterious plants and pests in your vegetable patch.



In 2009 the number of UFO sightings in the UK tripled to more than 500. So why did the MoD choose that year to close down its UFO hotline? Hmm, that’s a case for Mulder and Scully.

Fortunately, there are other organisations happy to log calls for weird sightings and strange encounters. In recent weeks one of the biggest sites has carried reports of an angel on the surface of Mars!



Not all aliens are from outer space. Some already live in your garden pond. Invasive non-native species, including North American signal crayfish and Japanese knotweed, are among the plants, animals, fish and creepy crawlies with the potential to take over.

So who you gonna call? That’s right: the team of alien busters at the UK’s Biological Records Centre.



For Call & Contact Centre vacancies that are out of this world visit s1jobs