Ten ways to succeed in telesales

Granny Ina was really excited when Davey revealed he had a new guide to telesales.

blogimagesaug16_Sales 2“Put me down for one of those 3-D ones,” she said, “you know where Brad Pitt appears in your living room.”

Poor Granny didn’t realise telesales is a vital part of selling everything from IT services to new phones and, if you have a gift for persuading people to buy, your skills are in demand here.

But even the best operator can do better, so here are Davey’s tips to help you move your telesales performance to the next level.


  1. Do your homework

Every industry goes through changes and these create job openings. So keep a close eye on what’s going on – use your s1jobs blog – and be prepared to act fast when opportunities come up.


  1. Know your market

Your customers are experts in their business, so you have to know just as much as them if you want to be taken seriously.


  1. Make it easy

For most people it’s easier to stick with what they know rather than make a change, even if it promises better results. So find ways of making the switch as easy and attractive as possible.


  1. Get past the gatekeeper

It’s always someone’s job to tell callers where to go. Don’t be put off. Instead get the gatekeeper on your side. Charm, chocolates, time spent listening to their grumps about the boss – whatever works.


  1. Talk to the boss

You’ve delivered a storming sales pitch when you hear the dreaded line: “I can’t authorise a purchase.” Don’t waste time talking to anyone other than the decision maker.


  1. Seven steps to yes

On average, someone will reject a proposal six times before they agree to it. Start viewing every rejection as another step closer to success.


  1. Keep the channels open

Until you hear the magic word, you’re going to have to keep talking, so make arrangements to call back and stick to them. Sometimes a customer will say yes just to get rid of you.


  1. Ask smart questions

Hold off on the patter, ditch the script and start responding to potential customers like a human being. That means really listening to what they’re telling you.


  1. Find your own leads

Your company may give you leads but that doesn’t mean you can’t also find your own. Be proactive.


  1. Know yourself

Don’t wait to be told your performance figures, own that information. Know your results and monitor your calls, both the winners and the losers. You’ll find clues for improvement in both.


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