How to keep up with our changing world

The world of customer service is changing fast. In fact, in 2017 it is set to go into warp-speed.

Are you ready for the exciting challenges that lie ahead? Perfect! Then let’s discover . . .



The how?

Customer service is going to improve by cutting waiting times. When a customer orders something, they don’t want to wait for it, but without a Star-Trek style teleporter they’ve no choice but to go to the store or wait in for the delivery man. True or false?

A bit of both. The technology’s only just getting there but it’s improving rapidly.

Soon customers will have 3D printers capable of downloading that spare part for the washing machine.

Amazon, meanwhile, has filed copyright on an airship delivery warehouse, serviced by drones, that can save the day – such as preventing festival-goers from crying into their craft-beer when they need a new tent or drop their phone in the mud.

Good news for: techy types. When that 3D printer starts spewing out sausages instead of spanners customers will need someone with the knowledge to talk them through the problem.



The complicated stuff. Artificial intelligence is only so smart. It’s good at answering straightforward queries but when it comes to tricky points, that mainframe is bottom of the class.

So companies are employing super-solvers; people who can deal with the illogical and the unexpected (humans, in other words) and get results.

Good news for: perfectionists. If you’re the sort who can’t let go of a problem until it’s sorted, here’s the ideal job for you.

This is about unravelling complex problems then chasing down the evidence until you’ve a clear picture of what’s gone wrong.

It’s about being able to handle the demands to deal with cases in a specific time-frame yet stick with them until they are resolved.



Round-the-clock. In our always-on society customers want to sort things out 24/7. If a heating system breaks down at 11pm in January, who can wait until 9am the following day before an online complaint is even read?

Good news for night owls. It’s reckoned we all have a personalised sleep-pattern that dates back to earliest times, when someone had to stay awake to ward off wild animals.

If your inner caveman dictates you’re bright as a button from midnight-through-seven, stop fighting it and use s1jobs to find you a customer service career that matches your biorhythms.

You’ll be the cheery voice or live chat feed who’s as chirpy as a canary in the wee, small hours.


For all the best Customer Service opportunities visit s1jobs