Five ways flexible working can give you the edge

8sectors10June2017_Small_HR_1Once just a buzzword then a bit ‘niche’, today flexible working allows companies big and small to unlock the full potential of their workforce.

Want to find out how? Read on for five ways a flexible working culture can improve your business . . . and your reputation in HR.


  1. Create a whole lotta love

If you know your HR onions, you know happy, engaged workers make for more productive workers.

It’s a fact of life employees also have children, elderly parents and relatives, or sometimes a health condition that makes a rigid full-time working a real challenge.

Offering a more flexible work pattern – whether that’s starting 30 minutes later or doing compressed hours – is a win-win situation. As HR Manager you can make the magic happen.


  1. Reduce absenteeism

It is a truth universally acknowledged by HR professionals that absenteeism is major headache.

In fact 61% of UK employers report that caring responsibilities are the leading cause of absence. Employees taking time off because of stress or burnout is another.

Forward thinking employers who have embraced flexible working patterns for staff have seen absences fall. What’s not to love?


  1. Encourage loyalty

In all areas of life there is nothing more encouraging than the feeling of being listened to. The same applies to the employee-employer relationship.

Feeling that HR has listened, and more importantly, acted on your behalf with the big boss, is a surefire way to ensure staff will stick around.


  1. What you give comes back tenfold

There are busy times in every business when it’s a case of everyone needing to “put a shoulder to the wheel”.

If employees feel a business has gone all out to accommodate them, they’ll be more than happy to give an extra push when required.


  1. Get recruitment right first time

No-one knows better than you that recruiting the wrong candidate can mean a lot of trouble down the line.

But did you know by hiding your flexible working benefits under a bushel when you recruit means you’re missing out on a wide pool of talent?

There is a whole army of job-seekers out there who can only consider a part-time or flexible role. Less than 10 per cent of jobs are advertised as being flexible. You could miss out on bagging the perfect candidate for the role if you’re not shouting about your flexible credentials.


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