A high five for call centres

It’s not often you get good news from the tax man. The latest announcement, however, is most definitely just that.


Small_Call_Contact_Centre_2HM Revenue & Customs has just hired 800 extra staff to help speed up its helplines.

The move comes after it was discovered a 5600 jobs cut in 2015 had left callers waiting for an answer for up to an hour.

This was up from less than 10 minutes only two years before.

The extra employees mean the helplines are now available seven days a week, while web chat availability has been extended.

And if you’re wondering what could attract 800 eager employees into the world of call and contact centres, we’ve got a high five just for you!


You can jump right in

Have you been putting off looking for a new role on s1jobs because you don’t think you have enough job experience? Then put off no longer. Many call and contact centre positions are ideal for beginners, with the required skills being good communication and a basic working knowledge of computers.


You can train on the job

Many companies have in-house training programmes that will allow you to develop new skills, while still being paid for your day job. This is an excellent grounding and a foundation for what could be a long-term and lucrative career.


You can earn more

Call and contact centre staff enjoy tastier salaries than many entry-level jobs in Scotland, with the additional benefit of flexible working and opportunities for overtime. Some companies also provide perks such as private health cover, discounts on their goods or services and, for the gym bunnies, free membership.


You can move up quickly

In some jobs you can really shine and this gets you noticed – as a lighthouse keeper, for example. Similarly, as a call centre agent, your team leader will be aware of your abilities and performance from the word go. Stay dedicated to the tasks in hand, achieve your goals and promotion into higher-earning roles will be swift.


You can enjoy being in the team

Call and contact centres attract employees from incredibly diverse backgrounds. This makes the work environment perfect for forging friendships with people from all kinds of backgrounds. For everyone, however, there is a shared sense of purpose and a real joy in teamwork.


Don’t let job seeking tax your brain. Make it easy with top Call & Contact Centre vacancies on s1jobs.com