What can office jargon do for you?

Buzzwords may start off sounding cool but they can quickly become as annoying as a bluebottle in a spacesuit.

Small_Executive_1And yet, while we groan every time we hear them, if we look a little deeper their messages can be the key to a happier workplace.


  1. Blue Sky Thinking

Among weather-related buzzwords this makes most sense in Scotland. We may only see a blue sky only twice a year but creative thoughts should be flowing daily. Let unlimited imagination inspire your team.


  1. Thought Shower

Staying with climate terminology, this is the latest, apparently politically correct, synonym for ‘brainstorm’. If your employees cringe at the sound of the ‘b’ word, suggest they refresh themselves with their own ideas.


  1. There’s no ‘i’ in ‘team’

Not only does it make literal sense, it makes theoretical sense. If you need your staff to co-operate, spread this phrase around the office and encourage everyone to pull together.


  1. Touch base

Get optimum office performance by catching up with your team. Issues are dealt with more effectively in person, rather than from behind your screen. Meet your staff face to face and you’ll be hitting home runs.


  1. We’re on a journey

It’s important to make sure you keep moving forward as a business. When a manager remembers this, those wheels are kept from grinding to a halt – or falling off!


  1. Punch a puppy

Yikes! This one should never ever be taken literally! It actually means taking a hit in the short-term that will ultimately benefit the business long-term.


  1. Teamwork makes the dream work

This will generate a few titters but working as a group promotes individual success, as well as improving communication skills. The best leaders are the ones who work well within a team.


  1. Hit the ground running

If you spend a little time planning for meetings, you can maximise their productivity. Lack of preparation always ends in a crash landing.


  1. Reinventing the wheel

Don’t waste time and energy on a something that’s been done before. Get your employees working on exciting new projects and keep them stimulated.


  1. Dot the i’s and cross the t’s

An eye for detail and methodical work practices may sound boring but it’s what gets everyone out the door sharp at 5pm on a Friday with a week’s work well done.


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