Want a new career? Make yourself at home!

Fed up with your daily commute – the long wait for a bus that doesn’t turn up or the packed train delayed by mountain goats on the line?

Are you paying a small fortune for a parking space as the only alternative to dodging traffic on your bike?

Well the good news is your daily journey could be coming to an end – increasingly, call centres are offering staff the opportunity to work from home.


On s1jobs there are many call and contact centre roles and, if you’re the social sort who likes to spend your days with other people, there are still plenty of opportunities to work as part of a large team.

If, on the other hand, you’d rather avoid the time and expense of getting to your desk, you can find companies willing to let you work from your living room or in your jammies.

In fact, some actively encourage it.

Why? Because it makes financial sense, not just for staff who benefit from not having to pay for transport or parking, but for companies who can make do with smaller premises.

What they do need is strong but flexible management that supports agents working remotely and trusts them to get the job done.

Good recruitment systems are an important part of this mix and it’s here skilled and experienced agents get the opportunity to shine and gain the higher salaries on offer.

Companies have to be confident in these agents’ skills and abilities, especially as clients can now choose from many different ways to get in touch.

Remember that playground challenge of trying to pat your head while rubbing your tummy? Well that’s pretty much what life is like in a call centre environment today – in the office or at home.

You need to be confident dealing with customers on the phone, via live web-chat, by text messaging and email – one after another.

For this you need to stay sharp as well as have accurate communication skills. As automated systems take over the easy transactions, it’s living, breathing agents like you who have to be up to the challenge of handling the tough stuff.

So, if you fancy the chance to walk the dog at lunchtime, instead of walking to work, working from home could be just your cup of tea – and you’ll always get to use your favourite mug too.

For home and office-based roles in Call & Contact Centres visit s1jobs.com.