Acronym alert: know your letters

You may have a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or a BSc (Bachelor of Science). You may be a NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) but fully up to speed on the CFE (Curriculum for Excellence) and hoping your next class will be G&T (Gifted and Talented).


Welcome to the world of acronyms.

The teaching profession is stuffed with them. At the last count there were at least 500 sets of initials standing in for the names of qualifications, courses, government schemes and educational directives – all aimed at equipping this country’s young people with the skills they need to flourish as adults.

There’s no degree course in interpreting such short forms, so before you start applying for a new role or promoted post with s1jobs, why not take our test to find out if you are an A*+ interpreter of acronyms?


1. HoDs are:

A) Tools used by brickies

B) Heads of Department

C) Heart of Darkness


2. NCT is the recognised anacronym for:

A) National Childbirth Trust

B) Non-contact time

C) Near-miss comet trajectory


3. IB is becoming more common. Is it:

A) Irritable bowel syndrome

B) Internet browser

C) International Baccalaureate


4. ELC is:

A) A toy shop

B) Early Learning and Childcare

C) Enhanced Learning Credits


5. The aim of BGE is to deliver:

A) Broad general education

B) Big goals in exams

C) Bright geniuses and excellence


So how did you score? If you knew HoDs were heads of department, you’re clearly on the fast-track to a promoted post. A hod is also a tool used by brickies, so don’t feel too downhearted if you picked that.

And if you chose Heart of Darkness, you are clearly an English teacher with a knowledge of the novels of Joseph Conrad.

At the start of this month Earth was involved in a near miss with an asteroid the size of Gibraltar (OMG!), but most comets give us a wide berth. NCT does mean the National Childbirth Trust, but in school terms it’s more commonly used to identify non-contact time on the timetable.

Our sympathies if you struggle with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but in education IB stands for the International Baccalaureate® – a European qualification of secondary education now being offered by some colleges.

The ELC is well-known to parents for its educational toys but it also stands for Early Learning and Childcare and Enhanced Learning Credits, so this was a trick question that was impossible to get wrong (LOL).

And BGE? Goals and geniuses aside, this is the broad general education that every teacher aims to deliver.

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