Use marginal gains for maximum effect

When Granny Ina first began pole dancing classes there were many in her crochet club who doubted she’d go far.

And yet every week Ina raised that bar just another half inch.

Executive_1A year later she’s reached the stage where she can shimmy up three feet and dangle an ankle in the direction of Grampa Jack.

Her secret? Marginal gains.

Yes, Granny Ina has taken a steer from the British Cycling team and their trainer Dave Brailsford.

Essentially, they worked to the principle that breaking down everything you can think of that goes into riding a bike, then improving each thing by just 1%, means you get a huge increase when you put them all together.

After their phenomenal success at the 2016 Rio Olympics, the team’s technique for improving little by little has become popular not only with sports enthusiasts but executives and managers looking to boost their business.

But could using marginal gains help your personal career, too? Let’s find out.



Just as an army marches on its stomach, and a cycle team conquers mountains with cereal bars, your career will thrive on staying healthy and happy. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is to eat and drink properly. Replace the coffee with a bottle of water to keep you hydrated and don’t skip lunch: a healthy meal will keep your sugar levels up and ensure you stay alert all through that senior management meeting.


Time management

Identify dead time zones in your day that could be used more effectively. Perhaps it’s the morning commute – rather than getting angry at the gridlocked traffic or staring out of the train window, tune in to the news to get up to speed with world events. Or why not listen to podcasts from industry peers and learn how they seek success in their businesses?


Embrace the power of Zs

Sleep is your best friend with benefits. Going to bed half an hour earlier every night will pay huge dividends by the end of the week. Rather than feeling zonked you’ll soon find those extra moments under the duvet mean your energy levels are higher than ever before.


Focus on job opportunities

Finally, the marginal gain that really could boost your career and change your life is to regularly visit s1jobs where you can discover all the latest Executive and Management vacancies.


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