How to survive being an inbetweener

Despite the gradual resurgence of Scotland’s Oil & Gas sector, not everyone is back in business just yet.

If you’re one of those ‘inbetweeners’ who has lost your old job but yet to land your next, it can sometimes be frustrating finding your feet.

Oil___Gas_1While you’re in the midst of this transition period it can also be hard to stay positive.

That’s why today we bring you our five top tips to surviving your temporary career limbo.


1. Get the Bigger Picture

Blaming yourself for being between jobs is like blaming your wet clothes for the rain. The fault lies with the gods above and their stormy mix of business, economics and politics. Many sectors experience slumps or slowdowns and the bigger picture here is that it’s not your fault – but it is your responsibility to put yourself back in the frame.


2. Don’t Get Stuck In a Rut

Part of getting the bigger picture is recognising that nothing stays the same: expand your focus to allow you to recognise that job opportunities are coming and you can be part of the new wave. Keep this at the forefront of your mind and you will feel more confident about life and your career prospects.


3. Take Care of Yourself

You may have worked in Oil & Gas for many years or you may be an absolute beginner. Either way, you’re going to have be at the top of your game when the call comes – and come it will. So take care of your personal health and wellbeing and give your CV a regular check-up. Make sure this professional profile reflects all of your skills and experience.


4. Always be Prepared

Don’t be caught off-guard. With your up-to-date CV, dry-cleaned interview suit and super-confident attitude ready to be brought into action at any moment, you won’t find yourself missing out when that dream role appears on s1jobs. You have to be ready at all times to grab every opportunity.


5. Take Action Now

All good things come to those who wait – unless you’re after a vegetarian kebab and you’re in the queue for hot dogs. Better than waiting for disappointment is being proactive for success. And this means reading your Insight blog, networking with friends who are in the business and, of course, regularly checking for all those top Oil & Gas roles on s1jobs.