Healthy career advice from the experts

On s1jobs you can find social worker and healthcare roles all across the country, with openings for those with experience and those brand new to the sector.

If you’ve no background in this kind of work but think it might be right for you, the feedback from people who have recently received care and those who deliver could help persuade you.

We spoke to Cath Walters, who is 72 and found herself on the care list after taking a nasty tumble downstairs. After many weeks in hospital, she was only able to return home once a care package was in place.

Social_2Cath says: “At that stage I still couldn’t walk or even stand up unaided and because I live alone I would have faced months stuck in hospital, if it hadn’t been for the carers who visited me twice a day.

“They were fantastic, they didn’t just help physically but they cheered me up at a point where I was feeling really low.

“My family were really concerned about me, but they all live some distance away and were juggling jobs and small children, so it was down to the carers to get me back on my feet – and they were brilliant!”

Sheena Anderson has been a carer for 25 years and just can’t imagine doing anything different.

“I absolutely love my work and the people I care for. It is such a privilege to be able to help people when they really need it,” she says.

“I never take their trust in me for granted and I get every bit as much out of helping them as they do from the care that I deliver.”

Elizabeth Mackenzie has also found her true vocation. The 24 year old became involved in care work as she waited to take up a college place to study hairdressing.

“I ended up staying in the care sector for three years because I enjoyed it so much and half way through my hairdressing course I gave up college to return to a caring role again.

“It’s so satisfying to do a job where what you do makes a real difference. From young people with disabilities to elderly people who’ve had an accident or suffered from an illness, what I do makes them feel better instantly.

“You do build a bond with people and it’s great to be able to make them more comfortable or see them get better. I don’t know any other job where I’d get to have such a positive impact on lives.”

Why not join Sheena and Elizabeth and help make life better for people like Cath with a social or healthcare role from s1jobs?