A green light for your career

Once upon a time, one of the country’s biggest phone and internet companies used the advertising slogan ‘The Future’s Orange’.

Actually, it turns out the future of sales was green.

Yes, if it isn’t recycled, renewable or energy-efficient, whatever it is you’re selling is very soon going to end up left on the shelf.

Sales_1_smallNew technologies, fresh legislation and a growing awareness among the buying public that we can’t go on squandering the world’s resources are fuelling (pardon the pun) a demand for products and services that don’t burn carbon or cost us the earth.

The good news is this means there are new career opportunities in sales in an eco-friendly future.

Consider the world of transport.

Sales of plug-in electric cars are charging ahead. There are now 14,000 power points across the country and the number is increasing by the day.

Volvo has become the first major car manufacturer to announce it will switch all production to electric models by next year and the Government has announced all new cars will have to be powered by alternatives to petrol and diesel by the year 2040

With scrappage schemes and cheaper running costs tempting motorists to make the switch much earlier, car sales are on the increase and the major dealerships need to staff-up to meet this new demand.

And when it comes to keeping the lights on, a new raft of green energy companies has sprung up, offering customers the chance to power their homes by heat transfer, wind or solar generation systems.

These companies don’t just need sales people who can tempt householders to sign up. Their big targets are commercial clients and they need go-getters who can sell the benefits of green energy to big business.

Then there are the manufacturers who make the actual turbines, generators, pumps and solar panels.

These companies are looking for skilled staff who can negotiate sales of their products in a profitable but highly competitive market.

And this is just the start of it.

We can expect to see sales jobs in the green sector increase sharply as we’ve now passed the point where the benefits are only recognised by early adopters.

Today the mass of the population now think going green is the Best Buy option. And that’s a green light for you.


For the latest and greenest Sales vacancies visit s1jobs.com