HR and recruiters in perfect harmony

The recruitment industry is focused on always getting the very best people for the job. Like a Canadian Mountie, always gets his man (or indeed woman).

Small_CircularImage_HR_2HR meanwhile aims to provide a working environment that ensures those very best people stay in the job or get promoted.

Like most partnerships this one also needs constant TLC.

So how do HR generalists and specialist recruiters employed by the same company work effectively together?


Always communicate

It’s easy to get trapped inside our own work title bubbles but unfortunately this can lead to operating as individuals and not as a team.

The best way to stop this happening is to talk to one another – and the focus of these regular conversations should always be the candidate.

Will they add talent? How can we attract them? How can we keep them and let them flourish?

All of these questions will inform decisions throughout an employee’s career journey – and with HR and recruitment working together to answer these, the company supports the employee every step of the way.


Work to your strengths

Recruiters who specialise in specific areas can help locate qualified candidates with the precise skills needed in a company department.

Modern HR teams, meanwhile, have many different talents and, as such, are often expected to fulfill a wide range of roles. Depending on the size of the company, members of the team can be responsible for areas such as pensions and benefits admin or the all-important payroll.

Having knowledge and experience in these fields means they can help recruiters pinpoint employment needs.


Save time, save resources

With recruiters attracting talent faster than an X Factor audition and HR taking care of training and retaining, we find a perfect harmony.

But with HR feeding information about needs and resources – and recruitment acting quickly with this data – we see a shorter and more efficient hiring process.

Regardless of the situation, communication and trust between the HR professional and recruiter ultimately benefit everyone.


Allow for breathing space

Just as important as working closely together is leaving enough room for each pro to do their thing.

For example, once fully briefed, recruiters should also be given the freedom to develop their own style of recruiting – using their natural ability to spot potential in candidates.


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