How to put yourself in the running

Do you ever wonder while you check the job vacancies on s1jobs if your teaching really has an impact?


Can it light a spark, change a life and give smiley Susan and cheeky Charlie the chance of a better future?

Yes it can! Just check out the facts on Elaine Wyllie.

Back in 2012 Elaine, who was head teacher of St Ninian’s Primary in Stirling, was so concerned about the lack of fitness among her pupils she came up with The Daily Mile.

The idea was simple. Every child in every class would spend 15 minutes running around the playground. The results were startling.

After just four weeks children who had struggled to run were happily clocking up a mile.

By the middle of the next term all primary one children were a healthy weight and attention levels and behaviour had improved.

And, just as importantly, the children loved it!

Today Elaine has retired from teaching and runs The Daily Mile Foundation, introducing the run to schools across the UK.

Her idea, which involves no expenditure and no equipment, just a commitment to getting outside whatever the weather, has improved the health and educational outcomes for thousands of children.

Other schools have taken a different approach, introducing fitness programmes such as Street Dance.

The joy of this class is the kids get fit without even realising it. They are so busy working out moves and thinking of ways to compete with schools in regional championships they throw everything they have at the challenge and get fitter in the process.

Then there’s the Active Schools programme, providing children with access to sporting and fitness activities. The aim is to get youngsters involved in sport at an early age and keep them participating into adulthood.

Active Schools may nurture the next generation of Olympians, but it’s just as committed to getting small spuds up and running before they turn into couch potatoes.

If you’re a teacher or head teacher eager to get your kids active, one programme that’s easy for all schools to participate in is Walk to School Week.

This takes place in May and encourages parents to ditch the car and take children to school on foot. Tuesday is given over to Happy Feet, when the kids get to wear their favourite shoes, whether that’s ballet pumps or Minecraft slippers.

Best feet forward!

Join in by choosing your favourite interview shoes and walk yourself through the latest Education vacancies on s1jobs.