Take a walk on the wild side

Farmers are having kittens after hearing the long-gone lynx could be reintroduced to Northumberland.

Insurance_SmallAfter ruminating over the potential effects of six wild cats padding around their countryside, they’ve been busy trying to get new insurance deals for their sheep.

Not easy!

But Lynx insurance isn’t the strangest animal request insurance companies have dealt with.

In fact, there have been so many weird pet insurance inquiries, one company now runs an annual award for the oddest animal claim.

If you want to be the best insurance claims handler or a top policy adviser, how would you deal with these?


Sucker for a good deal

A mum was left baffled by a series of vanishing baby dummies until the day she saw one drop near the family pooch . . . and witnessed it being instantly snaffled! After a trip to the vet, 15 dummies were extracted from the bulldog. Thankfully, a tuned-in insurance adviser had already covered the owners for canine misadventures.


Tail of the unexpected

Exotic pets, too, have had their fair share of bizarre insurance claims. A lizard mistook its own tail for that of an interloping neighbour and bit it clean off. According to the successful insurance claim, £280 is the going rate to treat missing tails.


That’s a wrap!

Another nominee for strangest claim was a Persian cat that frequently got up to mischief. After behaving particularly oddly for a few days, he managed to cough up three feet of parcel tape. He’s now banned from present wrapping and the friendly claims adviser helped its owners cut through all the red tape.


Not such a hot dog

With his family away for the day, Fred managed to pull open the fridge door and get stuck into a bowl of macaroni cheese. Unfortunately, he also managed to get his head stuck in the bottom shelf. His family returned to find a shivering yet highly satisfied labrador. The vet’s bill was not so cool but taken care of by an all-inclusive, up-to-no-good pet insurance.


These are some of the weirdest insurance cases but in 2016 a record £1.8 million was paid out every day in pet claims.

That’s a lot of business for insurance experts and it’s only going to get busier.

Just wait until they reintroduce wolves to Bellahouston Park.

Use your animal instincts and catch a top role in Insurance with s1jobs.