Let’s put the men in admin

If you thought men simply couldn’t do certain jobs, consider the boy’s own story of wee Davey’s Great Uncle Toby.

Small_Admin_1When everyone in his mining village told him his dream of becoming a professional chorus girl would never come true, he swapped his hobnail boots for dancing shoes and set sail for America.

The rest is history, as he would go on to become a Broadway babe.

In the world of modern admin, such a bold move by a bloke would be far less surprising – unless you wore a sequined leotard to the office, but who’s judging?

Today most workplaces have a genuinely forward-thinking attitude when it comes to hiring administrative professionals and gender is no longer an issue.

In fact, the only assumptions made by employers are that applicants have the necessary organisational skills and can-do attitude to get along with the team and get the job done.

So, if you’re considering a career in admin, but are unsure what it can offer, consider the following points.


Because you’re worth it

Admin is not a dead end typing job but a real career. Providing invaluable business support to your colleagues and MD makes you a key player and this is reflected in your salary and promotion prospects.


You’re more than a number

In the modern workplace diversity is quite rightly a key factor in recruitment. But you’re not here because you’re a Jamie Dornan lookalike. You have the talent and enthusiasm to succeed, which makes you a star in your own right.


A foundation and springboard

Administration is a great career choice for the ambitious, regardless of gender or previous experience. It allows you to get a grounding at the very heart of a business environment, while also opening doors to other sectors.


A learning curve to enjoy

As well as organising the diary, managing office supplies and liaising with the staff, at some point you will be asked to manage projects yourself and take the lead on company initiatives.


Widen your worldwide web

Networking is vital for building a career and in admin you have direct access to the top people in the company, as well as the ability to engage with clients or customers. This allows you to communicate with a treasure trove of contacts.


Whether you’re a man or a woman, be bold, be brave and stand out by getting your sharp end stuck into Admin roles with s1jobs.