Why it pays to be in two minds

This may seem like a peculiar question but are you oxymoronic? No, honest, we’re not being rude. We mean do you have the ability to hold two opposing beliefs at the same time?

Marketing___PR_2_SmallYou do? That’s fantastic because it means you’re more than cut out for any of the current marketing and PR vacancies on s1jobs.

The sort of oxymoronic state we’re talking about is subtle but very effective.

It’s the ability to draw up a marketing plan and stick to it regardless of any pressure to veer off somewhere else – yet still be willing to consider new advertising platforms.

In other words, it’s the ability to remain true to your own original agenda yet still be open to fresh ideas.

This is a tricky tight rope to walk but if you can manage it you’re almost assured of hitting targets.

Here’s how to do it. As a marketing professional you’ll be accustomed to the constant bombardment of bids from advertising platforms, all keen to get their mittens on a slice of your budget.

Many of these offers will be highly persuasive so it’s important that your focus stays on your mission and not theirs.

To do that you need a strategy – a well thought-out marketing plan that will help you navigate these congested waters, saying ‘no’ to anyone whose demographic does not fit your product.

Except that, very occasionally, a new opportunity will appear that chimes with your goals and so you have to stay primed to recognise it.

To do this stay up to speed with industry developments and be aware of wider trends – it’s only by being alert that you can identify a good idea when it comes along.

And while most of your decisions are backed up by solid experience and measurable results, just occasionally you’ll get the urge to act on a hunch.

This means you may have to trim your budget, pulling back on the planned spend.

Of course, if you’ve been really smart, you’ll have built in some contingency to allow you to experiment in this way.

Finally, as with all marketing endeavours, wherever you decide to push the budget you’ll have to be able to measure results.

If your oxymoronic approach turns out to be a golden ticket, backed with this evidence, you can quickly build on success.

One thing never to be in two minds about are the opportunities in Marketing and PR on s1jobs.