Lights, camera . . . doctor!

Health professionals know s1jobs is a great place to find their next posting. The site is full of vacancies in all disciplines.

Medical_1_smallBut before you take on the responsibility for the welfare of patients close to home, why not broaden your experience by taking on a more unusual role?

You’ll gain lots of valuable experience and come back to the NHS feeling refreshed and reinvigorated.


Movie Sets

When Tom Cruise broke his ankle during filming for Mission Impossible 6 he didn’t have to wait for an ambulance to arrive before getting help. Medics are an important part of any movie set.

Stars are valuable commodities and movie insurance premiums are huge so film companies have nurses and doctors on stand-by to give immediate assistance to anyone injured, whether that’s a member of the lighting crew who’s dropped a rig on their foot or a an extra who trips over a camera cable.

Do the job for long enough and you’ll find yourself assisting A-Listers with Oscar night hangovers.


Cruise Ships

Can you imagine a better way to spend your days than on board a luxury liner as it slices through the turquoise blue waters of the Caribbean, or heads out across the Atlantic with porpoises leaping at the prow?

Today’s city-sized ships come with sophisticated medical suites where you could find yourself dealing with everything from salsa class injuries to seasickness.


Climbing Expeditions

How does the body react to high altitude and what can we learn from it about treating patients closer to sea level? Those are the questions that have propelled doctors to join teams heading for the Himalayas.

While the climbers get top class treatment for altitude sickness and blistered feet, the docs get to carry out research into this important area of medical study.

It’s a match made in heaven . . . or at least near enough to heaven you can almost touch it.


Polar Research Stations

Do you dare boldly go where only a few others have boldly gone before? On Earth, the polar ice caps are the final frontiers.

From frostbite and hypothermia, to serious diseases and psychological conditions triggered by isolation, this has to be one of the most challenging postings for anyone in the medical field.


Are you seeking new challenges in Medicine and Healthcare? Discover you next mission with a role from s1jobs.