Road map to a new nursing job

Sometimes the thought of even trying for a new job in nursing or healthcare can seem too challenging.

Medical_2_smallIt can be like choosing to battle the Beast from the East to get to work over a snow day snuggled under the duvet.

But it doesn’t have to be like this – not if you think of your job search as a journey and take one step at a time.

Simply pick your destination from the many roles in the medical sector on s1jobs.

And now use our easy-to-follow map as we lead you to a brand new job.



Before setting off, pack all the essentials for your trip. It doesn’t matter whether you’re starting out or you’re seeking promotion, have your CV and covering letters prepared and saved in an easy to access place like Dropbox, this will allow you to easily upload to s1jobs even on the move, or better still store it on s1jobs beforehand. Don’t worry, if you’ve not written a CV before or your current resume needs refreshed, we can help with our CV guide (


The First Stop

We’re off and very quickly your first stop is going to be in the research department, aka your home computer (or mobile if you don’t have one). It’s here you’ll find out everything you need to know about the prospective job. You can also add the history of the hospital, surgery or care home you’re hoping to join. Now the knowledge tank is filled, on we go . . .


The Fast Lane

With your CV ready, and filled with your newfound information, we’re cruising at full speed down the highway to a great career. Try not to be distracted by the folks stuck by the side of the road: they didn’t store their CV and their knowledge tank was empty. Similarly, ignore all the signs urging you to take the slipway and give up.


The Check Point

Look! There’s the interview straight up ahead. Other applicants think of the interview as a barrier. Some even do a U-turn, too nervous to approach. Not you. Not only are you bold and brave, like a unicorn in a Cadillac, you know the interview is not a hurdle – it is an open gateway. Rush towards it with confidence and tell your interviewer why this job is meant for you.


Your final destination?

After your successful interview and having landed the job, you realise making this journey was much easier than you imagined. That’s why there will never be a final destination in you career, only new and exciting places on the horizon.


Get your own journey off to a great start by choosing a new Medical role from s1jobs.