On mission, online and on target

Online reviews and customer forums have turned everyone into an armchair critic. When an ice lolly falls off its stick or a new roof lets in the Beast from the East, there are places where customers can go to broadcast their complaints.

Small_-_Customer_Service_2It’s only fair anyone unhappy with something they’ve paid for should be allowed to have their say, but companies need to be proactive if they’re to prevent online sharing causing damage to their reputations.

That’s why, if you work in customer service, you could find yourself in charge of your organisation’s website review section. On a good day this will involve monitoring lots of smiley emojis and happy words from shoppers or service users.

On a bad day there could be an avalanche of complaints.

Most employers deliver guidance on how to deal with these. There will be guidelines on answering differing levels of discontent and good training can make handling even the angriest customer a lot easier than coming to it cold and without support.

On s1jobs many of the customer service vacancies will involve at least some online engagement and, if you’re well-prepared, this will be a challenging yet rewarding part of the job.

The key to preventing online gripes from turning more sour is to respond fast and effectively. Does the customer have a genuine complaint? Okay, acknowledge it and find ways to make amends.

Is the problem perhaps that they’ve bought the wrong product for their needs? Offer a refund and suggest an alternative.

Such a positive approach to feedback can create powerful results.

Instead of viewing criticism as negative, companies that remain open to what they are being told and are genuinely grateful when mistakes are pointed out to them are the companies that go on to win customer service rewards.

Just think of a time when you’ve had to return goods yourself or complain about a service to a company that’s renowned for treating its customers well.

The chances are you were less anxious about raising the fault, you chose your language carefully and you started out with the anticipation your problem would be sorted out. And, lo and behold, it was!

Are you less loyal to that company because you had a problem? Probably not.  In fact their willingness to listen and the speed at which your problem was resolved online will have made you even happier with their brand.

So next time a bad review pops up on your screen, focus on how you can instantly turn it into a positive posting.


For the latest Customer Service vacancies get online and visit s1jobs.