Are you up for the ultimate test?

Exams live long in the memory. Just ask Davey. Years after leaving school he still has nightmares about his failure to turn over a chemistry paper to see the dozen extra questions.

Education_2_SmallNobody relishes exam time – except those paid to be there. And it’s this time of year s1jobs sees the invigilators, readers, scribes and prompters for schools, colleges and universities being hired before exam season gets into full swing.

Here are eight things worth knowing if you fancy the job of exam helper.


You need to be eagled-eyed

Students can be sneaky and not averse to smuggling a bit of help into the exam room. Revision notes written on fingernails (uh huh, really), secret compartments in pens and smart watches are notorious methods, so you’ll need to be on the lookout for any suspicious behaviour.


Keep calm and carry on

Exams follow a strict code of conduct and you’ll need to know how to deal with emergency situations (think fire drills and mass sneezing fits) and urgent toilet breaks.


You can’t zone out

There’s no opportunity for forty winks, reading a book or checking texts. You need to be alert for the entire duration of the exam. If someone needs more paper, water or another pen, it’s your job to notice and respond quickly.


A chance to exercise

If you’ve an exercise tracker, you’re bound to meet your daily steps target with all that pacing up and down the room. Check your shoes beforehand though for infuriatingly squeaky soles or clicky-clacky heels.


Embrace mindfulness

Two and a half hours can feel like an age so after you’ve exhausted all the obvious challenges, such as counting all the left handers in the room or playing word games with the names on the roll of honour board, you’ll relish silence and enter a meditative state of calmness.


This job comes with responsibilities

You’ll have to set up the hall with scripts, stationery and other equipment, put up signage, confirm seating plans, deal with latecomers and check for rogue items like mobile phones (and hollowed-out 007 pens). If you’re acting as a scribe or reader, you’ll need IT skills and an awareness of assistive technology.


It’s a rewarding experience

Readers, scribes and prompters provide an invaluable service for students who might otherwise struggle. Remember you’re helping a candidate maximise their potential and increase their confidence to find fab employment on s1jobs.


Now put yourself to the test with all of the latest Education vacancies on s1jobs.