If the shoe fits: jobs to reboot your career

Despite changes in the energy market, including the rise of renewables, Scotland’s oil and gas industry is as vital as ever to the UK economy.

Oil_1_SmallOf course, changes have had to be made to the way the sector operates in order to give it a fighting chance – and this means job openings appearing in new areas.

Here are just some where you can find roles necessary for rebooting the sector and your own career.



Despite advances in artificial intelligence and machine automation, people are still vital to oil and gas. That’s why HR is such a large part of the sector – now there has been a call for innovative strategies and the people needed to oversee them.

In 2013, 83% of chief executives said their businesses needed to upgrade their HR policies in order to remain competitive and they’re still looking for this five years later. If you work in HR and fancy a change, the oil and gas industry could be for you.



The fact that engineers will be needed to reboot the industry is as obvious as Donald Trump’s orange wig. However it’s important for engineering graduates to recognise there is a future for them in this sector.

All kinds of engineers are required, whether to supervise the drilling process or help develop the tools needed.

In the near future companies will be seeking candidates with expertise in areas from mechanical to electrical engineering.

If you fancy an engineering apprenticeship, the Oil & Gas Technical Apprenticeship Programme is one of the UK’s most successful apprenticeship initiatives.



Geologists, who are sometimes given the superhero title of Earth Scientist, are key to helping with the discovery of oil and natural gas deposits. This means a lot of field work – so it’s not an ideal role for those who dislike trekking or being at sea for long hours in temperamental weather conditions.

Thankfully, the modern role is much more computer-oriented, involving the creation of 3D models and trajectories.



Due to the automation of many machines, some of the fields in the North Sea can be remotely controlled by landlubbers. This means the industry needs more people with IT and telecommunications skills.

Companies are also bracing themselves for cyber attacks that could affect remote work and damage the mobile technology used to monitor work on location. This opens up fresh opportunities for IT security specialists.


Find a role to reboot your career with Oil & Gas vacancies on s1jobs.