Take the credit . . . you’ve earned it

Are you part of a great call centre team? Do you have an exceptional colleague or a manager who gets you motivated?

Does hitting targets and meeting the needs of clients keep you focused and on-track, even when the going gets tough?

Call_2_smallAnd one final question, promise!

Would you like to be recognised for your dedication, innovation and hard work?

Then enter this year’s Call and Contact Centre Association awards.

The Glasgow-based CCA is the voice of the industry across the UK, offering guidance, conducting research and advancing the cause of staff and management within this huge and vibrant jobs sector.

Every year the CCA hands out gongs to teams, organisations and individuals who have gone that little bit further to make their centres work for everybody. And, once again, they are looking for nominations for their 2018 awards.

Just think what a win would do to add sparkle to your CV and boost your promotion prospects. There are lots of great call and contact centre openings on s1jobs and having a top award on your record could be just what’s needed to move your career to the next level.

So get pro-active, check out the categories and start preparing your submission.

The CCA Excellence Awards set the benchmark for customer service. Each submission is judged on its own merits and often it’s flexibility and agility of approach that impresses the judges.

Among this year’s awards will be Rising Star, Manager/Team Leader of the Year, Excellence in Skills, Learning and Development and Innovation in Customer Service.

There are more than a dozen different awards categories up for grabs, covering everything from individual performance to solutions that it has taken a whole company to deliver.

What’s common to all of them is a determination to do customer service that little bit better than before and never settle for the status quo – this is very important in an environment where technology and customer expectations are changing at the speed of light.

Keeping one step ahead is what makes a great call centre stand out.

So don’t hide your light under a bushel. Be loud and proud about what you, your team or company has achieved and start putting together your submission now.


For the latest Call & Contact Centre vacancies visit s1jobs.