Admin: the calm in the storm

The end of one financial year, the start of a new one, and the wheel keeps spinning.

Admin_1_small_circleRight now even more paperwork than ever needs to be filed, diaries organised and emails sent.

For admin superstars, however, this mountain of paperwork is a mere molehill.

They laugh in the face of filing and eat office budgets for breakfast.

But paperwork and finances are not the only tasks an administrator faces – they can turn their hands to just about anything in the office.

Yes, they are indeed a rare breed – organised, efficient, patient and multi-skilled.   Let’s look at some of the key qualities the cream of the admin crop must have to get through this busiest time of the year.


Your right hand

Admin staff seem to have psychic abilities at times. They know what you need and when. Those office supplies you requested? Got it covered. That document that disappeared last week? Found it and filed it. And who needs to check a calendar when admin is around? Their brain is basically Microsoft Office but faster.


Working wonders

Why work harder when you can work smarter? All good admins will tell you efficiency is a key skill necessary to excel in the field. After all, there may be a lot of people depending on them – all of whom want their queries answered first and tasks carried out yesterday. The ability to juggle workloads and remain calm under pressure is a must.



Admin staff are personable by design. They have to liaise with absolutely everyone in the company, so a friendly demeanour and a peppering of patience are essential. As well as a sparkling personality, administrators have to be top-notch communicators. They listen intently, write accurately and talk eloquently.  All with a smile, of course.



It’s Monday morning, it’s raining, you’re knackered and you’ve lost your lust for life. It happens, right? Well, less so in the world of admin. Admin is often the first port of call in the office when things need done. So staffers are a self-motivated bunch, and can juggle variety of tasks, lift the heaviest workloads and be a ringmaster for the whole show. Who would have thought circus skills would come in so handy!


If you think you match this criteria and have what it takes to excel in the world of Admin, take a look at the roles available on s1jobs.