Wakey, wakey! How to stay alert

The gentle swish of the ocean waves, the sunshine warming your skin, the cool sip of a rum cocktail . . . slam!

Admin_2_small_circleNo that wasn’t a coconut falling from a nearby tree but your forehead hitting the desk.

Yes, it’s the sudden sound of the afternoon slump, when a daydream of the summer holiday to come ends up with a slow drift into sleep.

But with so much going on and so many goals to achieve, how does the modern admin stay focussed?

Worry not: we have top five ways to stay alert and on your game.


Give me ten!

Exercise not only gets the blood flowing and the heart beating faster but it also heightens the senses, making you sharper and feeling more in control.

Jogging on the spot at your desk or using rollerblades to deliver the new company report might be fun, but we recommend biking to work, a morning work-out or simply getting off two bus stops early and legging it to the office.


Straighten up

Closely linked to the benefits of exercise is the way you position yourself at your desk. Being hunched over the screen all day restricts the amount of oxygen taken in leading to feeling lethargic.

There are many ways to improve this, such as by using a specially designed chair or alternating with a standing desk where you can move freely and stretch your legs.



Not all admin pros are born with Popeye’s spinach-induced super power but there are real health benefits in choosing power-replenishing snacks. Fruit is the best option for its vitamins and zest – though avoid trying to peel oranges anywhere near your keyboard!

Why not go ape with bananas? As well as their inexplicable comedy value, they offer a sweet but slow-burning energy release that’s perfect for avoiding drowsiness.


Drink up

Water, water everywhere but not a drop you drink? Get it down your neck: water is the best way to keep oxygen cascading round the body faster than the flume at Alton Towers. And ice-cold it’s an instant refresher. But remember to bring your reusable bottle. No plastic please!


. . . and breathe!

There’s nothing quite like a walk in the fresh air to blow away midday cobwebs and reinvigorate mind and body. Use your screen break to walk round the block or, even better, eat your packed lunch in the park.


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