Do you want to be Smiler in Chief?

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Sometimes it feels there are more customer service options available on demand than all those TV channels we never watch.

Customer_Service_2_SmallThe choices range from face-to-face encounters at the shop’s service desk or hotel reception to calls and emails to contact centres or messages posted via websites and social media.

The one common theme for all of these routes, however, is the public’s expectation of excellent service and a satisfactory outcome at the other end.

Alas, even the best service agent is only human . . . and sometimes a problem cannot be resolved, even escalating into a sticky situation the United Nations would struggle with.

This is where the customer service manager really proves their worth. As Smiler in Chief you are the commander who must lead by example to share joy to all customers – even the cranky ones.

And here’s how.


You are the rock

In a crisis, when everyone else is flapping like Granny Ina’s drawers on the washing line, a manager is calm and centred.

That’s why everyone in the team knows they can come to you for emergency or long-term advice that will be informed and non-judgemental: a blend of tip-top leadership skills.


You are the teacher

Your talent in people management does not end with your company’s customers. It also includes taking care of your own employees. You have the experience and knowledge to help new starts make something of themselves, just as someone once guided you when you were fresh out the box.

Such mentoring can involve assigning staff new and challenging roles – while at all times monitoring their progress and helping them professionally.


You are the strategist

As someone who works on the frontline, not in a back office or remotely from the golf course, you know more than anyone else in the company what is making customers happy and what is not.

This means you’re instrumental in helping form a forward-thinking company strategy and ensuring it’s properly implemented.

You can also tweak this, based on the valuable feedback you get every day from your customer service team.


You are the hub

Like the head chef in a sushi bar, everything revolves around you. As customer service manager, you are both the go-to person and the team leader who reaches out to colleagues to ensure all parts of the customer service machine are running smoothly.


If you fancy a leading role in Customer Service, you can find forward-thinking career choices on s1jobs.