Human nature wins the day

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Technology is advancing so fast it’s easy to imagine we’ll soon be able to do just about anything. Who needs call centre staff when automated systems can do the job?

Well that’s not the view of the Call and Contact Centre Association who have published a report into the future of the industry.


They’ve concluded, while customers would be better served if automated systems became both smarter and simpler, they also make it clear no computer, however clever, will be able to deliver the subtle, nuanced performance of an experienced call or contact centre agent.

Talking to people sympathetically, interpreting their responses and reading between the lines to determine what they’re not saying are the sorts of skills impossible to replicate with technology.

If you’re a call centre agent looking for a new role on s1jobs, it’s your humanity that’s your greatest strength.

It’s true computers don’t take sick days or holidays but when it comes to handling callers with sensitivity there isn’t a circuit board in the world that’s a match for the personal approach.

In fact, there are a surprising number of jobs where we humans, with all our faults and frailties, are irreplaceable.


Tea Taster

Every batch of tea is subtly different. Ensuring brands deliver up the same cuppa, time after time, is the job of tea tasters – specialists with five years of training and taste buds so well developed they can detect the subtle differences created by the influence of soil and weather on the leaves.

Similarly in a call centre, there are experts whose senses are finely tuned to solve problems and safeguard the company’s brand.


Violin Maker

Every instrument has its own signature sound and it takes supreme craftsmanship and a little bit of magic to make a world-class violin. But the greatest of these have a vibrancy and personality that no mass-produced instrument can replicate.

As a call centre agent, it’s your job to make sure your words are music to a customer’s ears.



New ways of delivering lessons have brought computers into the classroom but there isn’t a machine that can spot when a child looks a little bit down and can tease out what the problem is. Recognising who is struggling and who is thriving isn’t just a matter of exam results, it’s about context.

The best contact centre agents know there’s no one-size-fits-all solution and every customer is unique.


Show off your human side with top Call & Contact Centre roles from s1jobs.