The need for artificial ingredients

Let’s hear it for the humans working in customer service! A survey compiled by The Institute of Customer Service recently found, if they had to speak to robots rather than real people, 48% of UK consumers would stop using or switch companies altogether.

cust serv 2Even among those customers who don’t mind using online chat to interact with organisations – 62% said they’d communicate with an artificial chatbot – if given the choice, 70% would rather deal with a person.

The Heart of Artificial Intelligence report analysed the responses from 1000 consumers and 1000 employees, as well as interviews with senior managers responsible for the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 21 companies.

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Surprisingly, however, the report revealed the companies themselves were less sceptical of AI.

Almost 40% of employees said its introduction had improved customer experience and 34% said it had helped improve their work.

Ultimately, says the report, there is a role for AI, with research demonstrating 59% of employees with experience of working with robots believe it really does help.

Here are just some of the ways AI can help enhance customer service.


Your helping hand

Many AI systems actually free up valuable time for customer service agents and help make the entire system work more quickly and more efficiently.

When employees view new technology not as a threat but as a tool – for example, by introducing semi-automation to the more mundane processes and straightforward queries – this enables them to focus on more complex enquiries and ensure customer satisfaction.


Enhanced security

We live in an increasingly complex digital world and keeping up to speed with all of the new issues that surround ethics, privacy and security for customers can be mind-boggling.

It is, however, made easier with the help of computers that can crunch a million variables, while simultaneously evaluating proper compliance with all of the new regulations and constantly updated legislations.

They may even make you a cuppa!


The social club

Specialist customer service roles that use social media platforms and mobile apps allow companies to interact online and solve the needs of customers who are on the go and prefer the ease of being online.

Having this facility allows customer service advisers to harness the immense power of digital connectivity to deliver support, feedback and responses online in real time.


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