Rise of the human travel agent

The online travel revolution has been brilliant in opening up the globe to business travellers and holidaymakers.

callcentre 1But having the world at our fingertips can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. With hundreds of thousands of flight and hotel choices out there, we’re discovering it’s not always fun trying to navigate this huge world by ourselves.

That’s why more of us are once again looking for the human touch when it comes to booking – whether that’s a romantic break in Rome or a bank-account busting retirement trip to the Great Lakes.


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And just as walk-in travel agents are reaping the rewards of this travel turnaround, so too are call and contact centres, with many bolstering their staffing levels to meet the rise in demand.

Here are some of the reasons why a call and contact centre career in the travel sector is so appealing.


Spreading happiness

They don’t call the travel sector the happiness industry for nothing. You might not be heading to Disney World with Granny Ina and her grandkids but some of that holiday excitement will rub off.


Creating memories

Whether you’re selling a trip to the cloud forests of Costa Rica or a walking tour of Berlin, you’re in the privileged position of helping to create memorable moments for clients. That has to be better than selling replacement washer parts over the phone.


Providing support

Some travellers are perfectly capable of organising their own holidays but they welcome a degree of hand holding, not to say protection, should something go awry. Complicated, multi-centred holidays can be fiendishly difficult to organise but having someone on the other end of the phone who can see timings, connections and cost breakdowns is immensely reassuring.


Helping save

You’re saving people time, and often money, by finding the right holiday deal for them. They’re more likely to look forward to the trip when they haven’t been left disenchanted with the planning process and a depleted bank account.


Enjoying perks

Travel call centres often give staff the chance to visit some of the holiday destinations they promote – after all, knowledgeable staff are incredibly valuable to the customer experience. Discounts and holiday bonuses also pop up regularly.


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