How to be a star performer

Some celebrities are too scared to think about trying to survive in the jungle but recently eight brave souls stepped forward.

callcentre2But it wasn’t the spiders, snakes and suspect snacks of the Australian jungle they had to contend with, it was the daily challenges of working in a call centre.

Yes, Channel 4’s Celebrity Call Centre saw a posse of famous faces answering the telephone lines and attempting to help out members of the public.


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The show was part of the station’s Stand Up To Cancer appeal and it ably demonstrated the importance of call and contact centre staff in assisting with everyday – and very real – problems.

Unlike our band of celebrities, these professionals are on hand every day (and sometimes nights) to give support and guidance on everything from financial worries to consumer advice to health concerns.

While comedians, singers, actors and TV presenters did their best on the show, and all for a great cause, you don’t have to be a celebrity to be an outstanding call or contact centre worker. Just follow our top tips to become a star performer.


Don’t pass the buck

When you’re not afraid to step up for the team you’re no longer simply a call-handler, shuffling queries along – you are the captain, leading by example and offering solutions right here, right now.


Time to transfer

Of course, sometimes you will have to pass on a call to a colleague who is better informed or more specialised for that particular inquiry. Explain to the caller why they’re being transferred. And tell the person you’re transferring to the caller’s name and nature of their call, so they don’t start from scratch!


Own this call

When it comes to disgruntled customers unhappy with goods or the service they’re getting, be ready to reward. This can involve liaising with other departments in order to offer a discount or a refund. Aim to become a ‘one stop shop’ for customer queries.


Stay super cool

If you’re up for every challenge and enthusiastic for more responsibility, then you fit the bill for becoming a team leader. If you’re also cool under pressure and never fazed by deadlines, you have what it takes to be a senior manager.


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