A new chapter in language lessons

Bienvenue to a whole new world of language learning. If you’re a teacher who has a fancy for French, is interested in Italian or seriously into Spanish, you’ve a great career ahead of you.

education 1There are always vacancies for teachers on s1jobs. But if you can add a knowledge of a foreign language (or Gaelic) to your CV you’ll be very much in demand.

That’s because the Scottish Government has made it a requirement for all primary children to be taught a second language from P1 onwards and a third from P5.

This sounds like a great idea but how do you get a class of boisterous youngsters with their heads full of Pokemon Go and Fortnite to pay attention?


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Well how about telling them some fascinating language facts?

To help all the top teachers who turn to s1jobs for their next career move in education, we’ve fun factoids to get you started.


Quick quips

Rapid-fire Japanese is the fastest spoken language in the world. Spanish comes second. Get your class to try this Spanish tongue twister at top speed: Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico, con un pico pica papas Pepe Pecas.


Most letters

Forget boring alphabet spaghetti. Welcome to oodles of noodles! The wonderful Khmer language from Cambodia contains an astonishing 74 letters, including 35 vowels.


Most spoken

Did you know that Mandarin, with 1.1 billion speakers, is the most widely spoken language in the world?  English, with 983 million, comes a close second.


Weird words

Among the high peaks and isolated valleys of the Pyrenees marking the border between France and Spain, a range of strange languages still exist. As well as speaking French and Spanish, many residents of this region also speak Catalan, Basque, Aragonese or Occitan.


Calling all subs

Until the middle of the last century, Navaho, the language of many native Americans, was only a spoken language and had no written texts. That has now changed but during WWII the American Navy deployed Navaho speakers as radio operators on its submarines so that enemy interceptors could not decipher its communications.


Speaking in tongues

Want to hear a whole lot of languages all in the one place? Then head for Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific, where an astonishing 820 different languages are spoken.


For the best Education/Teaching vacancies in any language visit s1jobs.