So you want to work in Childcare?

A new scheme aims to recruit more nursery staff from ethnic minorities.

As well as increasing diversity in the childcare sector, the Scottish Government’s plan is to boost staffing numbers to deliver its free early learning and childcare provision of 1140 hours a year by 2020.

socialservices1It’s thought around 11,000 additional staff will need to be recruited in order to meet the pledge . . . and that’s good news if you’re looking for a career in social services.

From early learning practitioners to fostering social workers, working in childcare can be challenging. There are tantrums over toys, battles over milk bottles, and stramashes in the sand pit . . . and that’s just the adults in the room!

But a career in childcare is also incredibly rewarding. So let’s take a look at some of the best ways to get into this specialist area of social services.

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If you’ve a passion for education, you might consider this academic avenue, studying towards a degree in Childcare, Childhood Practice or similar university course. Degree-level qualifications are particularly useful if you want to progress into managerial positions.



There are many colleges in Scotland currently offering courses relating to childcare, with the biggest enrolments in the Central and West of Scotland areas. You can also choose from around 30 different qualifications, ranging from a Diploma in Education to Social Services to HNC Early Education and Childcare – regardless of your academic capabilities or skillset, there’s something for everyone.


Modern Apprenticeships

These allow employers to develop their workforce and employees to enhance skills and gain qualifications while in paid employment. Typically, you’ll work towards a modern apprenticeship in Social Services (Children and Young People). In a sector such as childcare, much of the learning comes from being on the job. Yes, every day’s a school day!



Scottish Vocational Qualifications provide practical, vocational learning for people already working in social services or who wish to pursue a new career in childcare. They’re flexible and offered in colleges and, in some cases, directly from employers.

HNQs allow you to gain the practical skills for working in childcare and can be a great way of gaining entry into further or higher education. One of the most popular HNQs is in Childhood Practice.


Professional Development Awards

Known as PDAs, these are particularly useful if you’re already employed in childcare but want to improve your skills to progress to a managerial position. They may be self-taught, research-based or practical and are considered in the industry as on a par with holding a degree.


Who knew there were so many routes into a career in childcare? There are also direct routes via the latest Social Services vacancies on s1jobs.