How to deal with excuses

It’s a wheeze as old and cheeky as Grampa Jack’s laugh: “But I only pay half that every month with my current provider!”

call centreCustomers who want the best deal on their service will often offer a little fib about how much they’re spending with a rival company.

What can you do as a call or contact centre pro who really wants to help customers but also protect the company’s profits?

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In this instance, if your price really is different, let the customer know why and what they’re getting for that extra cost.

Chances are you already have a minimum price below which you simply can’t go. But also offering a small discount – and a bolt-on service that will make the caller feel they’re getting even better value – should work.

And, if this comes with a longer buy-in period, it’s a deal that’s bound to satisfy your call centre manager too.

Of course, haggling using imaginary counter-offers from competitors is not the only cunning ploy hidden up a customer’s sleeve.

How many times have you heard? ‘Sorry about the missed payment but, honestly, this is a first. I always pay my bill on time.’

Alas, many callers don’t realise a quick glance onscreen will show any and all bounce backs in the customer’s billing history, making a late payment charge unavoidable.

If such detective work sounds as though it could be rather tiresome, the truth is working in this world of investigation can be immensely satisfying.

Using clues and finding evidence to get to the bare facts of any given situation stimulates the mind in ways many other jobs can’t.

But remember it’s always the good cop, never the bad cop.

Even the wiliest customers can be wrong-footed by a calm, understanding voice on the end of the phone or email exchange.

It’s not so much about getting a ‘confession’ as allowing the caller to realise the game’s up and they can now get on to sorting out a real deal or solving queries.

At all points in the conversation, what matters most is asking questions. Instead of repeating ‘the company line’, being a listener can get to the heart of what your customer is really looking for . . . beyond all the excuses.

So never be confrontational: it’s not personal, it’s business banter and a friendly battle of wits.

Are you ready to be a winner? There’s no excuse not to visit s1jobs for all the latest Call/Contact Centre vacancies.