The accountant’s guide to Christmas

Strictly Come Dancing and The X Factor are back on the telly and Granny Ina is lamenting the nights are fair drawing in.

This can only mean one thing: Autumn has arrived and the countdown to Christmas is on!

accountancy 1Yes, it really is far too early to be thinking too much about the festive season – we haven’t even put the finishing touches to our Terrifying Trump Hallowe’en costume yet!

But the reality is that now is the perfect time to start financial planning to ensure the festive period is as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

So here’s our accountant’s guide to festive bliss.

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Plan what you can afford

It’s easy to get carried away but spending recklessly for the sake of one day can wreak havoc on personal finances for months afterwards – not a great way to start the new year!

Instead, take stock of your finances and plan accordingly. Every good accountant knows the number one importance of good budgeting.


Be an early bird

Supermarkets and stores are already displaying Christmas wares and there are bargains to be had. So stock up on non-perishable food items.

The only question that remains: can you trust yourself with a stockpile of Quality Street?


Shop around

Instead of relying on a frantic supermarket sweep on December 24th, investigate where the best deals can be found to match your budget.

It’s also worth comparing the price of gifts before buying – the difference in cost between stores can be enormous.

Accountants must always be incredibly organised – having a shopping strategy in mind before hitting the high street will stand you in good stead.


Use secret codes

If you’re more of an online shopper, search for discount codes. Many retailers offer web exclusives that can save you a fortune.

Scanning the small print and maximising the benefits of financial bonuses is the raison d’etre of accountancy.

So why not follow suit and reap the benefits?


Be aware of trickery

Buy five get one free! Extra 10% off when you spend over £1000! These offers can seem attractive at first but consider the implications. Do you really need five extra boxes of bread sauce? These ‘false economy’ deals can cause financial turmoil. Just like an accountant, make your plan … then stick to it.


Follow our top tips now to ensure your holiday isn’t a total turkey. And talking of birds … if you’re looking for a golden goose career move, check out the latest Accountancy vacancies on s1jobs.