Accountants’ guide to surviving Christmas

Christmas is almost upon us and not only does it bring goodwill and great cheer but a whole sleigh-load of extra costs.


Of course, if you’re one of the very smart accountants who turns to s1jobs for career advancement, you’ll no doubt have budgeted for festive spending to avoid the January hangover of bills, bills and more bills.

But does your spread sheet include unexpected items? The ones that can tip a well-planned budget into the red?

Just to make sure, we’ve compiled a list of expenses you may have forgotten about.


The land of nod

Falling asleep on public transport after a night out with colleagues is an expensive seasonal hazard. Take the last train to the end of the line and you’re faced with a long trudge home in winter conditions or a taxi bill from hell.

Tip: Set your phone to wake you five minutes before the train reaches your stop.


Who ate all the pies?

Treats for Santa may seem insignificant but someone has to foot the bill for the carrots, mince pies and glass of sherry left on the hearth on Christmas Eve.

Tip: Recycle that carrot for dinner and pour the sherry on the trifle. Sadly, there’s nothing you can do with the pie except eat it.


Paws for thought

Dashing to the vet after your furry friend has scoffed a selection box is never to be recommended. Buster’s bills don’t come cheap.

Tip: Keep the chocolate well out of reach of pets. Or better still, eat it. Problem solved.


Weight-gain woes

It’s impossible to make it through the festive season without putting on a few pounds, but if those extra ounces push you to a larger size you’ll be facing a bill for new clothes. Maybe don’t eat the whole selection box after all!

Tip: Get your weight loss in early. Do the diet through the early part of December so any gain brings you back to normal.


Batteries not included

Children’s toys devour batteries and there will be tears or tantrums on Christmas morning if you haven’t enough in stock to go round.

Tip: Invest in rechargeable batteries. The upfront costs are greater but they’ll save you money in the long run. And help the planet.


Now that you’ve sorted Christmas, why not tackle your career with the latest vacancies in Accountancy from s1jobs?