Back to work? On to a new career!

In the oil and gas game it’s quite normal to find yourself working long shift patterns: two weeks on, two weeks off; a four and ten (days that is); or if you land a job abroad it could even be a month on then a month off.

Oil_2_SmallThis is an accepted part of the business and, while it’s not for everyone, there are benefits for those who are prepared to work hard then rest free and easy when they get home.

But what happens when you’ve received your boosted salary and enjoyed your r’n’r and now, sad to say, it’s high time to head back to work?

Well, most of the time it’s fine but on rare occasions you might find yourself trying to get going . . . but not just managing to get your head round the idea yet.

Well, why not turn this sorry situation on its head and make it a positive experience?

Use this transition period to prepare yourself not just for work, but also for taking that next big step in your oil and gas career.

It could result in an exciting new chapter in your life.


Think about now

It’s important to focus your mind and reflect on your current job, both the positives and negatives. What would you change to improve the balance and enhance job satisfaction?


Think about later

Now that you’ve pondered exactly where you are, consider where you really want to be. Are there oil and gas roles you’ve always wished you could go for but haven’t been motivated enough to try for? How much longer are you prepared to wait before making the move?


Think about steps

Excellent, you’ve made up your mind. So what can you do to make this career leap happen? If you lack the necessary qualifications, investigate the part-time courses you can take online when you’re working away or through college day classes when back home.


Think about s1jobs

Yes, this is where the thinking becomes action. Every day on s1jobs you can find vacancies in many jobs sectors, including Oil and Gas. But that’s not all. Our Insight blog will give you advice about refreshing your CV and brushing up on interview techniques. Now, pack your bags: we’re leaving for a brand new career.