Beat the back-to-school blues

You didn’t get to sleep until 3am again, you’re grumpy, and all you want to do is snuggle back under the covers.

While most of us get the back-to-work blues after our summer holidays, teachers get the super strength version – no surprise given seven weeks of long lie-ins, South of France sunshine and box set binges.


Shaking off that last-minute fear and loathing to face the new term with enthusiasm isn’t easy but here at s1jobs we’re ready to help with these top tips:


Let it go

A new term means a blank slate. You’re starting afresh with new pupils and challenges so don’t dwell on what you could have done better last term. Besides, this new bunch don’t know about the time you came to school with cat sick down the back of your jacket.


Be positive

This is the year you’ll get promoted to head of department. This is the year all your students will love you. This is the year you won’t forget which child is which at parents’ evening.


Invest in the best

It’s not just kids who love new stationery at the start of term. There’s nothing nicer than some new Cath Kidston notepads and propelling pencils to get things off to a flier.


Map out your future

The new term brings holiday opportunities. Gone are the days when the annual school trip meant a coach trip to some godforsaken corner of Belgium. Now it’s an opportunity to see the world: New York, China, India, the Galapagos are all popular destinations. Get your name down on the excursion list early.


Exercise your brain

All that sleeping in during the holidays isn’t good for the neurons. Neither is watching back-to-back episodes of House of Cards. It’s good to feel challenged by the kids’ pesky questions again.


New kids on the block

The obligatory staff shake-up at the start of the new term makes coffee breaks and lunchtime so much more interesting. Have you seen the cute PE teacher? What is that the history probationer is wearing?


Catch up on gossip

We all know the best gossip comes from the kids and you’ve a whole summer’s worth to catch up on. You can also revel in their predictions for who’s next for the chop in Game of Thrones.


New term, new job

Okay, so you’ve just returned to school but what’s to stop you from planning your next career move? To find a range of amazing opportunities in Education regularly check out