Better the devil you know?

Having one of those weeks when every day feels like a Monday morning? Alas, even the best engineering jobs can sometimes lose their feel-good factor.

It’s then that thoughts turn to fresh challenges and broader horizons.

engineering 1But very quickly positivity can turn to dread as the idea of starting out somewhere new sinks in.

Often, it’s only human nature to believe we’re better off staying with ‘the devil we know’.

So, when is it the right time to start looking on s1jobs for a new role in engineering?

Let’s find out.


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List the pros and cons

Engineering is a science and scientists just love lists. This one is going to be the most important you make this year because it will focus your mind on your current job situation.

List both the positives and negatives about your job in two separate columns. How do they stack up against one another? What would you change to improve the balance in favour of the pros?

If you’re struggling to make the sums add up, it could be time to move on.


Dream big

Very often we tend to go for jobs we know we’re more likely to get – after all, no-one likes to think about failure.

But are there engineering roles you’ve always aspired to but haven’t been confident enough to try for?

Well, it’s time to channel your inner unicorn! Be bold, be brave, dream big.


One step at a time

It’s one thing being a unicorn but one should never charge straight in horn-first. If you’ve made up your mind to move and pinpointed your dream roles, it’s time to draw a battle plan so you can make this career leap a reality.

Do you have the necessary qualifications for your new role? If not, find out where you can take part-time courses online or at a local college: you need all the skills available to ensure success.

Is your resume up to date and all it can be? If not, check out our guide to creating the perfect CV (


Harness the power of s1jobs

There are vacancies in many sectors on s1jobs and every day you can find roles in engineering that may fit your dream job criteria. Not only that, but our Insight blog will give you fresh insights into the industry and top ideas about recruitment techniques such as how to ace interviews.


Start your new journey with the latest Engineering/Technical vacancies from s1jobs.