Blow your own trumpet!

We’re all guilty of playing down our achievements. Even Granny Ina doesn’t like to boast about her Best Newcomer award at the 2017 pole-dancing championships.

But when it comes to applying for a social care job, it’s the one time we really shouldn’t be selling ourselves short.

Social_1_SmallIf you’re considering one of the vacancies on s1jobs – and they range from care worker to personal assistant, support practitioner to daycare organiser – the key is to market yourself as the best candidate from the word go.

Here’s how to blow your own trumpet.


Big up your achievements

Highlighting your plus points is the only way the recruiter is going to know whether you’re suitable for the job, so don’t leave things out in the belief they’re not relevant or make you sound like a show off.

If your work experience is a little on the shy side, then highlight other areas such as being a parent helper, a community gardener or even a part-time volunteer.

Remember there are often no specific entry requirements for care work but experience of working with old or young people, as part of a team, or being able to think on your feet are music to an interviewer’s ears.


Be specific about your talents

If you’re applying for several care vacancies at one time, try not to copy and paste the same CV for each new role. Every time you apply go over your personal attributes and look at them from the perspective of that particular job. Sure, it’s more time-consuming but it means you are presenting a tailored CV that lets you shine.


Walk the walk

All of us can say we’re good at something but only the best candidates can prove it. The key is to provide evidence to support your case. Similarly, don’t state you have first aid training if you’ve only ever put a plaster on wee Davey’s knee – this could catch you out when you’re asked how to deal with a serious burn during your interview. Hmm, pants on fire?


Go the extra mile

Don’t let yourself down by failing to do your interview homework. Read the company’s website, consider likely questions and look at how to address broader issues facing the care industry. You’ll be armed with great patter when the interviewer gives the floor over to you.


For all the latest social care, housing and childcare vacancies take a look at s1jobs