You can be a natural with AI

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Blade Runner, The Matrix, Ex Machina . . . movies that explore the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have always been popular with sci-fi lovers. But fiction is edging closer to reality.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has just announced the launch of AI Lab.

it2This will be a flagship centre to accelerate the UK’s capabilities for AI, machine learning and data science in defence – all based at the Defence and Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) in Porton Down.

Areas of research will include autonomous vehicles, software to counter fake news, processing information to de-escalate conflicts and the enhancement of computer network defences.

While all of this may seem like something concocted by HG Wells, AI is already very much a reality in the modern world . . . and IT professionals must keep up with every innovation.

So let us take you on a space odyssey through the most interesting ways AI is being used.


Virtual Assistants

Siri? Cortana? Alexa? Your invisible friend is one of the most striking examples of AI being used in the world today. Available on every platform from Apple to Android, they relay information at the click of a button and the sound of your voice. Gone are the days of a Nokia 3310 with polyphonic capabilities!


Smart Cars

Fancy hitching a ride in a self-driving car? Despite some highly publicised setbacks and accidents, industry heavyweights GM, Google and Tesla are leading the way in this sector. It’s estimated by 2020 there will be upwards of 10 million self-driving vehicles on the roads. A sector for software developers to keep an eye on.


Cyber Security

Detecting threats online is a mission possible for AI. There are countless systems in place that use advanced tech and sophisticated algorithms to combat the threat of attacks, hacks and malicious software, particularly when it comes to defence and finance.

Some of the more progressive systems even mimic human intelligence, intuition and the immune system. Of course, they’re never quite as good as a human IT security specialist or analyst.


Algorithmic Mind Reading

Ever wonder how Netflix, Spotify and YouTube know you better than you know yourself? That will be AI at work! Using ‘simple’ technology, such sites monitor viewing and listening preferences, enter them into a basic learning algorithm then send you scarily accurate recommendations based on your history. Who needs friends when Netflix knows you better?


While we can’t read your mind to find you the perfect position in the IT sector, a few clicks of button on s1jobs will send you on the path to finding your dream job.