Customer Service advice from the best

There’s no magic formula for successful Customer Service. If there were, there’d be no room left in the world for Mr Angry or Mrs Moan – and no need for true professionals who can turn any situation into a win-win: a win for the customer and a win for their company.

Small_CircularImage_Customer_Service_1Of course, while some people are born with the ability to help, others can sometimes do with a helping hand themselves.

And who better to offer this than history’s greatest motivators?

Here are our top three figures with their personal words of wisdom.


Marilyn Monroe

“Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together.” These wise words from one of history’s most iconic actors actually cover many aspects of our lives. But in Customer Service they get right to the heart of business.

When things go wrong with a product or service, it offers an opportunity to fix the problem quickly and satisfactorily – providing the potential to actually improve brand reputation and customer loyalty.


John F Kennedy

Of all the great speeches made by this US President we love this one from 1962. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organise and measure the best of our energies and skills.”

In Customer Service we’re often faced with difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible situations but we choose to take these on because challenging ourselves in the workplace is what makes us continually better at our job.

It also boosts career prospects – managers love pros who can show they’re not afraid to lead the team by example.



What do you mean Yoda’s not an historical figure? How else would Luke Skywalker have survived in a galaxy far, far away?

Of all the sound advice from our wee Jedi we love this: “Do or do not, there is no try!”

It’s short and to the point – a bit like Yoda himself – but it means a lot.

Never tell a customer you will try to help them. This suggests you’re not already on the case doing your best to resolve their problem. Tell them you’re all over it like a Nike athlete: just doing it!


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