How to deliver the wow factor

Despite everyone knowing what it means there aren’t many people these days who actually say: “Wow!”

In fact the last official record of the word being used was in 1066, when King Harold pointed into the sky and exclaimed: “Wow, look at all those flying . . .”

Customer_Service_2_smallThe rest, alas, is history.

Despite its absence from our daily chat, however, the concept of wow is very much alive – and it’s become an important part of offering the best customer service.

Even though they may not say it, when a goods customer or a services client feels a company has gone above and beyond the norm to meet their needs they find themselves involuntarily experiencing the wow factor.

And this is a big win for them and the company.

After all, wow moments are one of the best ways to instantly connect with customers and even inspire them to return, as well spread the word by referring their friends and family.

So, if you’re a customer service pro – or keen to become one with s1jobs – how do you create the perfect wow moment?

Here are some top tips to help you.


Be one step ahead

As a proactive customer service agent, you never wait for the customer to ask you what you’re going to do about their problem. You’ve already anticipated this, created a list of options and begun offering solutions. This reassures your customer you really know what you’re doing.


Admit mistakes

If your company has made a boo boo, don’t fudge things, just fess up. Customers appreciate honesty. What raises this to the wow level, however, is when you also offer a genuine apology then move quick as a flash to remedying the situation.


Always follow up

As so few companies follow up on customers to see if they really are happy, this creates the perfect opportunity to get a step ahead of rivals. Arrange a follow-up email to be sent or schedule a call to be made after your initial response to check everything is a-okay.


Time it right

Sometimes a customer can be in a rush – perhaps they’re phoning you during a work break and don’t have time to be bowled over by a wow factor. If what’s needed is a prompt answer, right here, right now, focus on this. Get it right, get the customer back to what they should be doing, and the wow is a given.


Enjoy your own wow by discovering vacancies in Customer Service on s1jobs.