Are you dressed for success?

As Granny Ina will tell you, the idea of power dressing peaked in the 1980s when shoulder pads came straight from the NFL and ties and patent shoes had to be redder than the fires of Mordor.


Nowadays, the informal clothing choices of Dress Down Fridays have become the norm throughout the week.

In fact, HR programmes reflect the fact how we look no longer defines how important we are.

In many sectors, however, there is a need – or desire – for dress codes that either adhere to safety or hygiene rules or reflect the company ethos or brand.

And it’s the role of HR to ensure clothing continuity among employees.

But what if there were no rules?

We asked a panel of workers from a broad variety of sectors what kind of clothes they normally wear . . . but also what aspirational apparel would make them feel bolder and braver in their careers.


Carol, Mechanical Engineer

I normally wear a boiler suit when I’m in the workshop but I do have some days when I wear a smart business suit to meet clients.

My ideal outfit would be Lewis Hamilton’s racing gear. It was following Lewis in Formula One that got me into cars and then into engineering.


Brian, Marketing Manager

We can wear anything really, from business suits to jeans and t-shirts. What I choose depends on the clients I’m meeting.

I’m working now with a start-up drinks company who have some wacky campaign ideas: it would be great to turn up dressed as a bottle of beer. It’s that kind of thing that gets people to open up and things moving!


Teresa, Dental Hygienist

It’s the white suit, gloves and mask, I’m afraid. Not very flattering but then again neither are some people’s teeth! There’s only so much you could choose to wear in such a controlled environment.

Maybe coming into the waiting room covered in fake blood would be good fun. It might not do much for my career though.


Cara, Sales Assistant

I work in a fashion store and we all wear black. It’s not branded and it means we can wear comfortable clothes and shoes as it’s a long day on the shop floor.

If I could choose anything, I’d pick something every day from our own rails. That would be a great way to show off the new lines – plus I’d get to keep all the clothes!


Want to have a sit-down with Batman? Deal with the intern in eight-inch stilettos? There’s an HR role tailor-made for you on s1jobs.