Why IT is for everyone

Even in this Information Age only 17% of all IT employees are female.

IT_1_SmallPerhaps the reason for this are the TV caricatures, such as The IT Crowd that suggests you’ll be working in a dingy basement with two socially awkward men and a gothic vampire.

The fact is we’ve moved on from the stereotypical IT worker being a Star Wars-worshipping, male nerd.

Here are just some reasons why working in IT should be a top career choice for everyone.


Work Anywhere

One of the best things about working in IT is the fact you can work anywhere, as the majority of your job will be carried out on computers – and thanks to the Cloud, data is portable.

You could be travelling around the world or sat on your sofa with your feet up and still be able to do your job.

You can also work for any company you fancy, as IT is involved in nearly every sector nowadays.


A role for everyone

One of the first things to pop into your head when someone mentions IT is probably complex programming involving unintelligible code. But there’s much more to it than this.

Jobs in the sector can range from website creation to computer forensics to graphic design. Even HR and marketing experts are needed in the modern IT sector.

And as brand new technology is designed and comes on-stream, new roles are going to be created.


An evolving environment

Technology is rapidly changing for the better. While this might be baffling for some, it’s exciting for people joining the IT sector as opportunities to learn new things are constantly arising.

You could find yourself working on projects that give the world incredible innovations.


Perfect for millennials

Millennials are sought out by companies as they bring new ideas and can help the industry reach its full potential. Plus, 75% of the world’s workforce in 2025 will be made up of millennials, so there’s a good chance a large percentage will be working in IT.


Let your talents shine

Rather than focusing on the fact you’re in the minority as a woman in technology, take advantage of the fact you’re unique and use it to show co-workers the great contributions and skills you have.

Now let’s get on the fast track to a career in IT with new vacancies from s1jobs.