Everything you need to know to get that job

The oil and gas industry is the most difficult jobs sector to get into.

Fake news, people! Like the fakest news ever!

Small_Oil_1With hard work, perseverance, and more than a little help from s1jobs you can get your foot in the door.

Here’s everything you need to know to move your career from pipedream to reality.


Sort out your CV

Yes, it’s an obvious start but in this business a strong CV means an oil and gas company doesn’t have to drill down too deep to find out if you’re a strong candidate. Make sure everything relevant is highlighted, no matter how insignificant it might seem to you. And don’t be worried about not having experience in the field. If you’ve worked in a sector such as engineering a lot of the skills you have will be easily transferable with a little top-up training.


Get to know people in the industry

Whether it’s signing up for events in order to meet people and network, joining online forums or simply reading about the movers and shakers in your Oil & Gas Insight articles, getting to know someone on the inside can be a huge help. Just like s1jobs, they’ll know where and when the jobs are coming. Get to know someone well and they may even put your name into the hard hat as a candidate.


Location, location, location

As you’d guess, to work in Oil & Gas you may need to be willing to relocate to places as diverse as Aberdeen, Angola or Abu Dhabi. But with so many destination possibilities, homebodies can target roles nearby while intrepid explorers can widen their horizons.


Be prepared to grow with the sector

With new oil fields being brought into action off the coast of Scotland, there’s loads of scope for more jobs. Be ready to act as new opportunities become available.


Recognise promotion potential

Naturally, starting out in the industry is not a springboard straight into roles such as Project Manager but there are opportunities to grow your career quickly. The more experience you get, the more appealing you’ll be for higher positions – so you should be willing to start off in roles that offer experience right now and a route to the top.


Keen to get going? Let’s get started with the latest vacancies in Oil & Gas from s1jobs