Five Tricks of the Trades

Buy only the best

Grampa Jack has a saying: “Buy cheap and you buy twice.” No matter whether you’re a plumber or electrician, plasterer or painter, your tools are your livelihood.

Faulty or broken equipment is a big no-no.

construction 2Buying the best you can afford, however, means having tools you can rely on and is an investment in your own career.

Oh, and did you know you can keep your tools rust-free by storing pieces of blackboard chalk with them?

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Be neat and tidy

Site managers and customers like to have everything in their rightful place. On a building site, this is primarily for health and safety, and in the home it’s just good manners. So never leave anything lying around that you wouldn’t want in your own crib.

Keeping jobs neat, tidy and to the highest standard is not only polite, it’s good business sense.

Are you so tidy you’re a stickler for details? If you need to nail something but don’t want the nail head visible, chisel a tiny sliver of timber, drive the nail in underneath then glue the sliver back.


Organise your van

For many tradespeople a van is also a mobile workspace so it’s vital its contents are well organised.

Not only will this make it easier for you to get your hands on tools and materials and keep an eye of stock levels, it will actually save you time.

How about using that extra half hour saved every day to take a long weekend once a month?


Brain and brawn food

It’s tempting to satisfy your lunchtime hunger by queuing up at the van for a greasy pie and instant coffee. But, in the long term this is certainly not good for your health – or your wallet!

So why not make a packed lunch before you go to bed? Not only will this save you time it will save you hard cash.

Plus having a healthier meal will boost your stamina and sharpen your mind.


Check out s1jobs

The best way to boost your career is to find out what opportunities there are out there.

Not only does s1jobs have all the latest Construction and Trades vacancies but we also have a dedicated blog that can help you write the prefect CV and discover the latest news and trends in the industry.