Five ways to create a kinder workplace

Throughout January a special campaign has been taking place: a mission to encourage us all to be kinder to one another.


Kinder Scotland 2017 is a 21-day challenge that asks participants to commit a different act of kindness every day then take note of the effect it has on our family and friends, colleagues and community.

No matter how big or small the act – from opening a door for a stranger to volunteering at a charity event – the idea is after 21 days we will have changed our habits for the better.

Historically CEOs, Managing Directors and Senior Managers have all been perceived as stern characters, whose role model is more likely to be Lord Sugar than Mary Poppins.

Thankfully, those days have changed and empathy with and an appreciation of colleagues at all levels is seen as a strength, not a weakness.

So, in the true spirit of Kinder Scotland, we’ve come up with five ways you can create a kinder workplace.


  1. Mentoring

Just as every Jedi Knight needs their Yoda, so every aspirational youngster needs your experience to help them steer a course around career pitfalls, adopt practices that enhance performance and learn new skills that help them climb the corporate ladder. What could be more satisfying than such kindness? Well, there is also the boost to the company’s bottom line.


  1. Appreciating

Much more than a kind word is company-wide recognition for a job well done. Whether it’s through an office noticeboard or in-house emails, honour the accomplishments of hard workers. And so keep them on your team.


  1. Greening

Adding a few pot plants is great for creating a better office atmosphere. What’s even kinder for the workplace – and the planet – is promoting green ideas that reduce waste and boost efficiency: everything from recycling paper to setting up car sharing. Such kindness also helps your margins.


  1. Smiling

Yes, it’s a cliché because it’s true: a simple smile can make someone’s day. Add a bit of friendly banter and you create a vibe that permeates the office – and can even take the edge of a particularly nervy boardroom meeting for you.


  1. Volunteering

This isn’t for everyone but as team leader you can inspire your troops to hit targets, reach goals and boost sales all in one afternoon of volunteering. The sharing of kind acts at a charity store or homeless shelter can instil a sense of teamwork, camaraderie and motivation.


Finally, be kind to yourself . . . with a top notch Management role from s1jobs.