Five ways to get into marketing

A wise creative by the name of Joe Chernov once said: “Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart!”


Joe’s juju also applies if you’re keen to kickstart your own career in marketing.

A good job interview makes you look smart. A great job interview, however, makes your potential new employer feel smart too – and so more likely to choose you.

But how do you achieve this? Easy: by using our five ways to get into marketing guide.


Share your knowledge

Every nugget of knowledge is worth its weight in gold. Reading newspapers, enjoying your s1jobs blogs and tuning into social media will help you keep up with the latest industry news and stay aware of current and future trends.

At your interview, don’t simply show off this knowledge, share it: having mentioned a point of current interest, leave enough space to allow your interviewee to join in the conversation.

This makes them feel engaged and creates a bond between you.


Show you’re keen to learn

Ask your interviewee questions not just about the position but about themselves – all bosses love to talk about themselves.

Showing an enthusiasm to learn more about the company gets you instant bonus points.


Don’t be shy about success

Flag up any experience you have in the world of PR and Marketing, even if it’s only having spent a day shadowing your Auntie Maggie in her city office.

If you’ve used people and communication skills to good effect at college or university, or even in a part-time role, be sure to mention this.


Be ready to name drop

As part of your preparation for entering PR and Marketing, you’ll have been networking with as many people in the industry as you can.

This is a great way of gaining insights into the business and creating work opportunities.

It also means at your interview you can throw in the fact you chat regularly with big cheeses, either in person or on social media.


Have a passion

When faced with choosing between candidates with the same skills and experience, a new boss will be looking for a stand-out feature that makes you their number one choice.

Nothing makes a better impression than showing real passion.

So, even if you’ve never worked in this field before, make a point of impressing on your interviewer that you’re super-keen – and will bring the same drive and determination that helped you succeed at school, university or in a previous job.


For all the latest opportunities in PR and Marketing visit s1jobs